NEW! Parents Zoom Workshop on Emotion Coaching
Wednesday 17th April 2024 7-8.30pm
What is emotion coaching?
Emotion coaching helps children to understand the different emotions they experience, why they occur, and how to handle them. It helps children to become comfortable with their own feelings and learn to express their emotions in constructive ways. It also helps parents to learn the importance of attuned interactions with their child and ensure that they are validating their child’s emotions and never dismissing them.
What will this course cover?
- How to become more aware of your child’s emotions.
- The importance of validating a child’s feelings.
- The importance of labelling emotions and giving children the vocabulary associated with them.
- Discuss how limits can be set with children, so whilst all emotions are acceptable not all behaviour is.
- This involves supporting your child with their problem-solving skills.
You will learn the 5 key steps to help establish a solid emotional foundation for your child.
This course is appropriate for parents with children aged 18 months and older to support you with the skills you need as your child develops.
To book your complimentary place please email